How old the Data of Google Earth is?

To view how old the data for specific area is, look at ‘last updated date” option

To view how old the data for specific area is, look at ‘last updated date” option

It appears at lower-left corner of screen and will tell you the date the satellite images were taken

It appears at lower-left corner of screen and will tell you the date the satellite images were taken

The last updated date option is useful for comparing two areas that which contains more recent images

The last updated date option is useful for comparing two areas that which contains more recent images

It can also be used to compare the same area over different time periods

It can also be used to compare the same area over different time periods

The age of data varies depending on type of data and the location

The age of data varies depending on type of data and the location

Most of the data used by Google Earth is up-to-date

Most of the data used by Google Earth is up-to-date