Where Can You Find Time Slider on Google Earth?

Time Slider is located in top right corner of Google Earth screen next to compass and ruler icon

Time Slider is located in top right corner of Google Earth screen next to compass and ruler icon

The Time slider is represented by the clock icon which is located next to the compass and ruler icon

The Time slider is represented by the clock icon which is located next to the compass and ruler icon

You have to drag the slider to navigate through different dates and times of the location

You have to drag the slider to navigate through different dates and times of the location

The time slider is available in the desktop and mobile version and not in the browser version

The time slider is available in the desktop and mobile version and not in the browser version

To open the Time slider, you first need to navigate to the location you would like to view

To open the Time slider, you first need to navigate to the location you would like to view

Then click on the “view” menu and select “Historical imagery”

Then click on the “view” menu and select “Historical imagery”